Logistic Software

logistic software

Logistic Software Solution to Your Company

We are Professional IT Consultants who have been experienced handling logistic software to companies of all sizes requests since 2005.

Subsequently, We have developed a cloud based software that we aim for logistics Management system and we will continue to develop it better according to the demands of the logistics business. We can help all logistical businesses that involve goods transportation services such as depots, supply chain management, fleet management, transport management and warehouse managing to control the transport of their goods with logistic management software.

So, with an integrated software and apps, we will make it easier for logistic businesses to ensure the accuracy of the delivery of goods or packages in real time.

Software logistic laptop with pencil case and handphone

We provide a system consisting of apps and web. certainly, with back end that handled by Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP.

With integrated logistics apps and web. Then it can be easier to monitor and control all logistics business activities efficiently.


Features of the logistic software

So, In order for the logistics business process running smoothly, every logistics companies have their own business activities. Accordingly In the apps that we created, there are several features that make it very easy for logistics businesses to transact, monitor and control their goods or packages that they will send or receive.

So, The features that we provided are sufficient enough for logistics business. And we will continue to develop in order to fulfill the client needs. so that their business activities are more accurate and efficient.



Our Features

    • All regular transactions with scales that are not suitable or overloaded from the initial scales will be managed by the Supervisor feature. accordingly This feature also functions to continue or cancel the package if the customer does not want to add fees for excess scales when recalculated at the Warehouse.
    • All packages that come from the customer to the agent will be accommodated in the warehouse. To carry out a re-examination that is re-weighing, to see if there is an overload on the item. In addition Warehouse also receives transit packages to proceed to the next transit.
    • Packages that have passed the re-weighing will immediately be managed by the Dispatch feature. Because The package will be selected by Bus that matches the transit line to get to the recipient.
    • Packages that have arrived at the destination depot will be accommodated by the Delivery manager. Because The Delivery feature functions to manage prices according to distance and weight of packages to be sent directly to the recipient using External / Internal delivery.

    • Pickup Manager can take the package to the sender’s place according to the address that has been written. likewise Pickup also provides a solution for the sender if the package has more weight and very large dimensions.
    • Transport functions for the process of moving packages from the depot into the Bus to depart to the transit city / destination. Moreover All departed packages will be scanned first to get track records so that the package can be monitored continuously.

    • Agent functions to receive and record transactions from customers. The agent will record the delivery destination, estimated price, and also for package returns.
    • Delivery Internal functions to manage packages that will be sent using internal delivery to the recipient.


Advantages of logistic software apps

Logistics businesses usually find obstacles in checking the status of their shipping packages, so there is a need for an Information Technology solution to record and remind delivery schedules, and to track the package.

Hence, With the existence of QR-code scan technology found in the apps that we have developed, logistic business people can find out the position of their packages and integrate with each branch’s depo.

Coupled with Usage features of the apps include :

Destination City Entry

Recipient Data Entry

Sender Data Entry

Data Entry of Good

For this purpose, All parts or parties involved in logistics business processes in this apps can access one or more data, Depending on the access rights granted. So that the data validity can be guaranteed.

Thus, We make this Logistics Apps to meet client needs and client satisfaction. Thereupon, Our goal is to improve service for package delivery and make it easier for party logistics business people to process their package lists with the features we have offered.


Web Based & Integrated with Microsoft Dynamics NAV

As a result The apps that we developed is Web-based. Data recorded through the apps will also be recorded on the Web.

Sub-menus contained on the Web will certainly make it easier for you to manage, control, and monitor recorded data. Hence The sub-menus that we make in this Web have been very representative of Logistics business activities.

There are several features that you can manage on a website logistics processes such as :

  • Report
  • Admissions
  • Scanner
  • Sync to NAV
  • Setup
  • Manage User

But if the business manager / client has a different business flow, we can really customize it according to the wishes and orders management requests of the client.


So, how can we improve your business performance?


MSI Partner
firstly, Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Secoundly, Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Thirdly, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. further, Approval By E-Mail, customer service, Human Resources Information Solution, Retail Management Solution, My Apps. last, E-Faktur.