Client Profile from
Indonesian Red Cross Society ( PMI )
The Indonesian Red Cross Society ( PMI ) is a humanitarian organization in Indonesia. It is a member of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
PMI has the Seven Basic Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement namely Humanity, Equality, Volunteerism, Independence, Unity, Neutrality and Universality. PMI has been in 34 PMI Regions (provincial level) and around 408 PMI branches (city / regency level) throughout Indonesia. the Indonesian Red Cross does not take sides with certain political, racial, ethnic or religious groups. In its implementation, the Indonesian Red Cross also does not discriminate but prioritizes victims who most need immediate help for the safety of their souls.
ERP is a method of using computer technology to link various functions such as accounting, inventory control, and human resources across an entire company.
So to make it easy for Palang Merah Indonesia to control and record all the data they start by implementing the ERP on their software. Palang merah Indonesia has visions and missions in the implementation of ERP such as :
- Making Reports to Donors Faster and Transparant
- Increased efficiency and effectively on employee administration
- Improved Department collaboration
- Organized all the assistance on the warehouse
Project Title Indonesian Red Cross (PMI)
The project for Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is NGO with ERP Concept. As the focus on Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is more about effectiveness in operations, organizining the assistance on the warehouse also to improve department collaboration ERP is a perfect solution to help. Technology is believed to be very helpful in day-to-day operations and help make reports to donors faster and transparant. Therefore, Working quickly and efficiently makes Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) continue to innovate in the development of its system. So that, Mobile Application with Android has been implemented to support Operational activities.
The Solution

The Implementation
Implementation for finance management include
- Cash Advance
- Settlement cash advance
- Dropping
- Settlement Dropping
- Reimbursement
- General Payment
- General Cash Receipt
- Petty Cash Replenishment
- General Journal
- Bank account reconciliations
- Project Budget
- Activity Budget
Implementation for procurement include
- Purchase requisition
- Bid analysis
- Purchase order
Implementation for warehouse include
- Warehouse Transfer Order
- Warehouse Shipment
- Warehouse Receipt
- Warehouse Item Journal
- Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal
- Warehouse Reclassification Journal
Meanwhile, Project Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) through 6 phases
- Finance
- Procurement
- Warehouse
- Hardware
- Data Migration
- Mobile application
So, how can we improve your business performance?
Firstly We minimize the risks. after that, maximize the opportunities